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Personalized Organic Clothing

At story of a stone we started off our offerings with simple herbal and tea Blends as well as breathable and all organic clothing.

We still offer all of these things but our clothing is now exclusively in-store purchase or custom request for colours and designs designed with you for you.

We are situated in the Adelaide, South Australia area currently with a little tea house and organics store in Mylor. We would love to have you visit us in the hills and have a look through our clothing range if organic, plastic free and plant dyed clothing is your jam.

Our address is just inĀ Here...

If you are too far away but still would want a hoodie, beanie, shirt or shorts from our range send us a message and we can get crafty together.

With many plant dye colours available and old and new designs a plenty we are always down for a creative collab.

Send us a message here to reach out.